Our puppies come with a written guarantee and contract.
Please contact me for more info. 651-408-8976 or email
No photo may be used without written permission from owner
Shiraz and her babies, 7.5 weeks
On 6/17/08 Zytka and Emmett had 9 beautiful babies.
1 fawn boy, 5 apricot boys, and 3 apricot girls.
6/21/2010 Zaria and CH Landondales Beyond Yankee Blu had 3 babies.
4/27/2011 Zytka and St Patrick's Boaz of Shemariah had a baby girl.
10/11/11 Zaria and UKC Int'l Am CH Greiner Hall Amir Zahar of Jadem had 3 girls and 4 boys.
2/1/2013 Fetzer and Frigga had 5 puppies
They were not cooperative for group pics!
5/29/2014 Frigga and Emmett had 5 puppies!
All of our puppies are sold on limited registration and spay/neuter contracts.
We do not ship puppies.
10/24/14 Zartha and Glacier's 8th Wonder of The World @ Sensands had 2 puppies
11/19/2015 Seeley and Tirza had 7 girls and 1 boy.
We are hoping to have a litter in January 2025. All colors are possible.
More info will be available when pregnancy is confirmed.